Breathing Techniques- Try this-take a deep breath without strain and count how long it takes you to breathe in. Then exhale fully....but again, without strain. Count how long your exhalation is.
So now you have a count for your inhale and another for your exhale. If they are both under 5 seconds, continue with that ratio for 5 breaths. If they are both over 5 seconds, you can add one second to the exhale and keep that ratio for 5 breaths. For this brief period, inhale
through your nose and exhale through your mouth. The rest of the day, breathe in and out through your nose if you can. After you have taken 5 breaths this way, notice how you feel.
Do this three times a day. Gradually and carefully build up to 10 breaths, 3 times a day.
Postural Re-alignment and Deep Relaxation- lay on your back with your knees bent at a right angle with
your lower legs comfortably resting on a chair or couch. Keep your lower legs level. Place your ankles and knees hip socket width apart ( not the outer hip width). Your thighs need to be perpendicular to the floor so the weight of your thighs can help release the psoas muscles. So your legs form a right angle. Put your arms at your sides or comfortably on your torso. If you need a small pillow, use it. Place a sleep mask or small towel over your eyes. Stay in this position for at least ten minutes. Set a timer because you may rapidly fall asleep. Pay attention to your breathing. It's a perfect time to practice the breathing technique above. Then, just relax, breath normally and feel your body shifting, sinking and letting go. The sound of waves or your favorite relaxing music will help. When you are ready to get up, do so very slowly in stages. Roll onto your side first. Spend a minute resting here as your blood pressure may have dropped. Slowly get up. You may need to sit down if you are light headed. When you are ready, stand up and notice how different your posture is. Feel your connection to the ground. Walk and notice the changes.
The "static back press" described above is used by many people and is featured in a system created by Pete Egoscue that is dedicated to re-aligning every joint in the body holistically. I've found that his system is a fantastic aid to boosting energy levels and overall function. See for yourself:
The Sandlin Technique and Teachings - Virginia Sandlin (my Cherokee/Irish mentor), always emphasized the importance of completion. She said that having many "incompletes" can create a kind of static in your mind and energy system. Her hands-on system, "The Sandlin Technique", effectively addresses completion and integration in mind, body and spirit in a non-invasive way.
One thing you could do during this time is to work on completion on all levels. "Cleaning your clutter" will immediately improve the energy in your abode (Feng Shui). No matter what area of your life
you plan to improve, starting with a few small things will boost your energy and give greater clarity.
You will then be motivated to do more. Success builds on success. An excellent book to guide you through this process is "Getting Things Done" by David Allen.
Pandiculation- When you yawn and stretch first thing in the morning, you are pandiculating. Cats, dogs
and other mammals show us how to do this. You've never seen a cat lifting weights or a dog doing Pilates, so how do they keep in shape and have lightening fast reflexes? Edward Barrera has written extensively
on the subject and breaks down the process in his book, Move Like An Animal: Feel Comfortable, Be Flexible, Move Well For Life in 3 Simple Steps
Healing Techniques- I teach Acupressure, Tuina ,Qigong, Taijiquan and more.
To learn more about acupuncture/acupressure points, go to: